ALBA NetworkTowards diversity and equity in Brain Sciences


The ALBA Declaration on Equity and Inclusion is a resource for concrete, positive, evidence-based actions that individuals and organizations at any level can take to promote equity and inclusivity.

794 individuals & 228 organisations have already endorsed it.


Defining disability

This definition, designed by the ALBA Disability & Accessibility Working Group, aims for consistency, clarity and inclusivity, and is underpinned by the 'social model' approach, which focuses on how people can be 'dis-abled' by barriers.

LGBTQIA+ International Climate Survey

Run by the ALBA Gender & Sexual Diversity working group to better understand the experiences of LGBTQIA+ people in neuroscience. Takes 10–20 minutes to complete, with a chance to win a gift card.

Discover ALBA's impact

ALBA warmly invites its members, partners, allies and advocates for equity, diversity & inclusion to read our 2023 impact report and discover the activities we organised and the outcomes and impact we achieved together!