14:20-14:25 Welcome and introduction by Prof Dalla.
14:25-14:35 Introduction of the ALBA Network by Prof Švob Štrac.
14:35-15:14 "A Bag of Thoughts on Diversity, Equity & Inclusivity" by Prof. Osborne Almeida.
15-15-15:30 Discussion with the audience
This event is part of the 14th Mediterranean Neuroscience Society 2023 – Carthage, Tunis (14-18 October 2023)
- Prof Christina Dalla, Associate Professor of Pharmacology, Medical School, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, President-elect of the Mediterranean Neuroscience Society - Chair & ALBA Ambassador
- Assoc. Prof. Dubravka Svob Strac, Senior Research Associate Head of the Laboratory for Molecular Neuropsychiatry, Division of Molecular Medicine Ruder Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia - ALBA Volunteer
- Prof. Osborne Almeida, School of Medicine, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal & Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany