Have a policy. Adopt a written Equity, Diversity & Inclusion policy. Share it widely.
We are all biased. What can we do? The ALBA Declaration on Equity & Inclusion advises to commit to recognizing & counteracting bias, by having a policy: adopt a written Equity, Diversity & Inclusion policy, and share it widely. This article provides useful tips & resources on best practices about EDI policies.
Systemic forces, organizational culture and implicit biases are pervasive in academic and research institutions and need to be countered. Policies, legislation and leadership are often missing, poorly aligned or only theoretical and ineffectual in promoting greater EDI. Putting the policies in place and communicating them clearly throughout the organization is part of the process of educating the about EDI and gaining compliance at all levels.
Suggested actions
- Develop, review or update your institution’s policies and programs.
- Seek broad input and engagement from the people you wish to support to gain consensus.
- Create a task force that reflects your goals to review, approve, and disseminate.
- Involve the highest level leaders possible to serve as champion and role model.
- Find examples you like, compare and adapt.
Policy examples
- Gender Equality Charter within higher education and research; Athena Swan Charter (UK)
- Equal Opportunities Action Plan; EPFL, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (CH)
- Policy of Non-discrimination; Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US)
- Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Plan; McGill University (CA)
- Strategic Plan for Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity; University of California, Berkeley (US)
- Equal Opportunities Policy; University of Cambridge (UK)
- Policy, Standards & Guidelines; UVA Accessibility, University of Virginia (US)
- eLife Policy, Standards & Guidelines joint commitment for action on inclusion and diversity in publishing; Inside eLife (UK)
- Statement of Principles and Actions Promoting the Equality and Status of Women in Research; Global Research Council
- Guidelines for Organizing a Diverse Conference; the ALBA Network