Schedule all events during appropriate working hours
An inclusive workplace culture is a healthy environment for all. To establish an inclusive workplace and promote healthy work-life balance, the ALBA Declaration on Equity & Inclusion advises to schedule all events during appropriate working hours. This article provides useful tips & resources on best practices about scheduling meetings.
Women faculty often bear the brunt of household family duties, taking care of children and other dependent family members. Male faculty have traditionally benefitted from the support of spouses who take on the majorities family responsibilities, allowing them to concentrate on value-added research, publishing and career networking. Consequently, academic events in past were often held during non-work hours since the dominant players were free from encumbrances with helpmates on the homefront.
Suggested actions
- Make it a strict practice to keep all professional meetings during normal office hours to give women the chance to attend.
- Offer child care facilities or reimbursement for any and all events in evenings or on weekends.
Examples of best practices:
- Guide to developing balanced working time arrangements; International Labour Office, 2019, Geneva (CH)
- Advancing work life balance with EU Funds: A model for integrated gender responsive interventions. EIGE European Institute for Gender Equality. (2020).
- Guidelines for Organizing a Diverse Conference; the ALBA Network