
The Network

ALBA represents a global diverse network of individual neuroscientists who are involved in research, education, communication and advocacy, and are committed to supporting and advocating for actions and policies that foster diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in brain sciences across the globe. We currently have 1890 individual members from 91 countries.

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  • Help shape ALBA's priorities and goals
  • Drive initiatives as an ALBA Volunteer
  • Receive regular updates on ALBA activities and events
  • Have access to DEI skills and advocacy training workshops
  • Engage with the ALBA Team at the General Assembly
  • Elect the members of our Board of Directors

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Professor or equivalent position at University of Edinburgh
United Kingdom
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Cell culture
Genetic models and techniques
Imaging (microscopy)
Molecular approaches
Optical methods


Research/Staff scientist at Niigata University
Japan Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Cognitive neuroscience
Developmental neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Neuroscience of aging
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Data analysis and statistics
Genetic models and techniques
Histochemistry and tracing
Imaging (microscopy)
In vivo monitoring
Molecular approaches
Species : vertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
Neurodiversity is an important element in this word. People "different" are often misrepresented or misunderstood. I join Alba to get along with various people in the world that are motivated to make a real change in the field of neuroscience by taking concrete actions and learn from each other.


Professor or equivalent position at King's College London
United Kingdom Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Developmental neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Cell and tissue transplantation
Cell culture
Genetic models and techniques
Histochemistry and tracing
Imaging (microscopy)
Imaging (PET, fMRI, etc)
Molecular approaches
Species : vertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
great initiative


Professor or equivalent position at Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
Netherlands Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Circuit neuroscience
Cognitive neuroscience
Computational neuroscience and modeling
Neural/synaptic structure and function
Computation, modeling, and simulation
Data analysis and statistics
I joined ALBA because :
Scientific progress relies on Human intellect and ingenuity, characteristics on which nationality, race or creed have no impact. However, biases do exist and have persisted for many years. We need to tackle these biases and ensure the scientific enterprise is pure and inclusive, providing equal opportunities to everyone, regardless of any factors other than intellect, interest and motivation.

Lautaro Alejandro

Graduate student at IFIByNE, UBA, CONICET
Argentina Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Cognitive neuroscience
Sensory systems neuroscience
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Data analysis and statistics
Imaging (microscopy)
Species : invertebrate
I joined ALBA because :

The goals of ALBA align closely with my own values and professional goals, as I am deeply committed to contributing to a more inclusive and equitable scientific community. I organized a scientific course designed to promote diversity through the use of open-source. This course emphasizes the importance of making scientific resources accessible and empowering individuals from diverse backgrounds to engage with these technologies.


Professor or equivalent position at Lund University
Sweden Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Disorders of the nervous system
Computation, modeling, and simulation
Histochemistry and tracing
Imaging (microscopy)
Imaging (PET, fMRI, etc)
In vivo monitoring
Species : vertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
I have always promoted diversity within my research environment. I expect that by joining Alba I will also be able to contribute to for dissipation of any bias towards minorities at a global level.


Professor or equivalent position at University of Calgary
Canada Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Cell culture
Data analysis and statistics
Molecular approaches
I joined ALBA because :
I believe in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in science and want to be part of the transition.


Research/Staff scientist at CONICET / Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
Argentina Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Circuit neuroscience
Neuroscience of aging
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Genetic models and techniques
Histochemistry and tracing
Imaging (microscopy)
Species : invertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
As a scientist residing most of my career at the global south, I have a firsthand experience of how transformative initiatives that aim to promote equity and diversity can be. I'm joining ALBA to contribute to a better global neuroscientific community.


Graduate student at Research Center on Animal Cognition
France Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Circuit neuroscience
Computational neuroscience and modeling
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Computation, modeling, and simulation
Data analysis and statistics
Genetic models and techniques
Imaging (microscopy)
Molecular approaches
Species : invertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
Because I firmly support any initiative toward the integration of minorities in science.


Research/Staff scientist at Mazumdar Shaw Medical Foundation (MSMF)
India Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Molecular approaches
I joined ALBA because :


Graduate student at Bilkent University
Türkiye Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Cognitive neuroscience
Analysis of behavior and cognition in humans
Data analysis and statistics
Imaging (PET, fMRI, etc)
I joined ALBA because :
ı want to become a part of ALBA network.


Professor or equivalent position at CONICET
Argentina Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Cognitive neuroscience
Computational neuroscience and modeling
Disorders of the nervous system
Analysis of behavior and cognition in humans
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Computation, modeling, and simulation
Data analysis and statistics
I joined ALBA because :
I am interested in joining a network where diversity and inclusion are central pillars. My work in both Neuroscience and Machine learning make a strong emphasis on diversity and equity: studying perception and neural dynamics beyond that of neurotypical subjects, and addressing and mitigating biases in terms of sensitive attributes in ML systems in the medical imaging and biomedical domain (algorithmic fairness).


Graduate student at University of Gothenburg
Sweden Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Circuit neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Neuropharmacology and neurochemistry
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
In vivo monitoring
Molecular approaches
I joined ALBA because :
To connect like-minded people


Postdoctoral fellow at University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
United States Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Circuit neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Neural/synaptic structure and function
Neuropharmacology and neurochemistry
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Cell culture
Data analysis and statistics
Electrophysiology (synaptic physiology)
Histochemistry and tracing
Imaging (microscopy)
Imaging (PET, fMRI, etc)
In vivo monitoring
Optical methods
Species : vertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
I am joining Alba because I believe that science can really benefit from more inclusion of people from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds. I believe that increasing diversity in representation will lead to novel perspectives, more inclusive scientific design, and ultimately more translationally relevant results.


Graduate student at University of Cologne
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Neural/synaptic structure and function
Neuroscience of aging
Cell culture
Electrophysiology (channels)
Electrophysiology (synaptic physiology)
Electrophysiology (unit activity)
Imaging (microscopy)
Species : vertebrate


Graduate student at University of Ibadan
Nigeria Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Cognitive neuroscience
Developmental neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Evolutionary and comparative neuroscience
Analysis of behavior and cognition in humans
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Computation, modeling, and simulation
Data analysis and statistics
Genetic models and techniques
Therapeutic techniques
I joined ALBA because :
I'm interested in joining Alba to grow my connection with leading researchers in the field.