
The Network

ALBA represents a global diverse network of individual neuroscientists who are involved in research, education, communication and advocacy, and are committed to supporting and advocating for actions and policies that foster diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in brain sciences across the globe. We currently have 1890 individual members from 91 countries.

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  • Receive regular updates on ALBA activities and events
  • Have access to DEI skills and advocacy training workshops
  • Engage with the ALBA Team at the General Assembly
  • Elect the members of our Board of Directors

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José Juan
Peña Leal

Professor or equivalent position at UNAM
Mexico Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Solid Sate and Statistical Physics
Computation, modeling, and simulation
Molecular approaches
I joined ALBA because :
Brain injury.


Professor or equivalent position at Newcastle University
United Kingdom Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Cognitive neuroscience
Computational neuroscience and modeling
Disorders of the nervous system
Evolutionary and comparative neuroscience
Sensory systems neuroscience
Analysis of behavior and cognition in humans
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Computation, modeling, and simulation
Electrophysiology (unit activity)
Imaging (PET, fMRI, etc)
Optical methods
Species : vertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
Cognitive systems neuroscientist invovled in advancing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion initiatives at my institution.


Professor or equivalent position at McGill University
Canada Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Circuit neuroscience
Analysis of behavior and cognition in humans
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Computation, modeling, and simulation
Electrophysiology (slow waves)
Electrophysiology (unit activity)
Imaging (microscopy)
In vivo monitoring
Optical methods
Species : vertebrate


Professor or equivalent position at University of Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Circuit neuroscience
History, teaching, public awareness, and societal
Electrophysiology (unit activity)
Optical methods
Species : vertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
My work in Puerto Rico for the past 20 years has been focused on training under-represented minorities in Neuroscience. Mentoring and training is a high-priority for me, especially with respect to developing countries. I believe that the true power of science comes from its diversity of ideas and approaches. ALBA is unique in its dedication to inclusion and diversity in neuroscience mentoring and research, and I am excited to be a part of it.


Professor or equivalent position at Brock University
Canada Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Developmental neuroscience
Analysis of behavior and cognition in humans
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Imaging (microscopy)
Species : vertebrate


Professor or equivalent position at EPFL
Switzerland Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Circuit neuroscience
Computational neuroscience and modeling
Motor systems neuroscience
Neuroengineering and robotics
Sensory systems neuroscience
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Computation, modeling, and simulation
Data analysis and statistics
Imaging (microscopy)
In vivo monitoring
Optical methods
Species : invertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
I am joining Alba because I believe that we should provide equal opportunities to qualified people regardless of their background. This is not yet the case and requires effort to bring about the necessary change.


Professor or equivalent position at Royal Holloway, University of London
United Kingdom Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Circuit neuroscience
Cognitive neuroscience
Motor systems neuroscience
Neuroscience of aging
Sensory systems neuroscience
Analysis of behavior and cognition in humans
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Data analysis and statistics
Imaging (PET, fMRI, etc)
I joined ALBA because :
The global nature of ALBA’s mission to promote equity, diversity and inclusion in brain science is inspiring. This is an exciting opportunity for neuroscientists from around the world to work together to understand local and international barriers to equity, diversity and inclusion, to empower each other, and to dismantle these them. It is a real privilege to be part of a this network!


Professor or equivalent position at Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown
Portugal Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Circuit neuroscience
Computational neuroscience and modeling
Sensory systems neuroscience
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Computation, modeling, and simulation
Genetic models and techniques
Imaging (microscopy)
In vivo monitoring
Molecular approaches
Optical methods
Species : invertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
Because diversity is key to do better and fairer science. And to improve its impact on society!

Marco Andrea

Professor or equivalent position at University of Milan
Italy Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Neuropharmacology and neurochemistry
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Molecular approaches
I joined ALBA because :
I Am interested in supporting equal opportunities, particularly for young scientists.


Professor or equivalent position at Universidad Mayor
Chile Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Neuropharmacology and neurochemistry
Cell culture
Data analysis and statistics
In vivo monitoring
Molecular approaches
Species : invertebrate
Species : vertebrate
Therapeutic techniques
I joined ALBA because :
I’m looking for supporting and networking


Professor or equivalent position at National University of Singapore
Singapore Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Cognitive neuroscience
Excitable membranes and ion channels
Neural/synaptic structure and function
Neurogeneration and repair
Neuroscience of aging
Electrophysiology (synaptic physiology)
Molecular approaches
I joined ALBA because :
I am a neuroscientist working in Singapore. I was trained in Germany and have experience both in Europe and Asia


Professor or equivalent position at The American University in Cairo
Egypt Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Neuropharmacology and neurochemistry
Cell culture
Genetic models and techniques
In vivo monitoring
I joined ALBA because :
I hope to make difference, to be able to cross the gaps between different regions of the world regarding neuroscience research cpcaities


Professor or equivalent position at University College London
United Kingdom Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Computational neuroscience and modeling
Sensory systems neuroscience
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Computation, modeling, and simulation
Data analysis and statistics
Electrophysiology (slow waves)
Electrophysiology (unit activity)
Species : vertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
I would like to contribute towards improving equity in neuroscience


Professor or equivalent position at University of California Irvine
United States
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Cognitive neuroscience
Analysis of behavior and cognition in humans
Electrophysiology (slow waves)


Professor or equivalent position at MPI of Psychiatry
Germany Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Cognitive neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Genetic models and techniques
Molecular approaches
Species : vertebrate
Therapeutic techniques
I joined ALBA because :
Because equality should be a standard not worth mentioning, but it unfortunately is not in many areas and this needs to be changed.


Professor or equivalent position at RIKEN
Japan Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Circuit neuroscience
Cognitive neuroscience
Computational neuroscience and modeling
Disorders of the nervous system
Neuroengineering and robotics
Neuropharmacology and neurochemistry
Sensory systems neuroscience
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Computation, modeling, and simulation
Data analysis and statistics
Electrophysiology (synaptic physiology)
Electrophysiology (unit activity)
Genetic models and techniques
Imaging (microscopy)
In vivo monitoring
Optical methods
Species : vertebrate
Therapeutic techniques
I joined ALBA because :
I support the mission and efforts to support equity in research.