
The Network

ALBA represents a global diverse network of individual neuroscientists who are involved in research, education, communication and advocacy, and are committed to supporting and advocating for actions and policies that foster diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in brain sciences across the globe. We currently have 1890 individual members from 91 countries.

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  • Help shape ALBA's priorities and goals
  • Drive initiatives as an ALBA Volunteer
  • Receive regular updates on ALBA activities and events
  • Have access to DEI skills and advocacy training workshops
  • Engage with the ALBA Team at the General Assembly
  • Elect the members of our Board of Directors

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Science writer/Editor at Ilia state university
Georgia Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Cognitive neuroscience
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Therapeutic techniques


Physician/Other medical professional at University General Hospital of Alexandroupolis
Greece Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Developmental neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Neuropharmacology and neurochemistry
Neurophysiology (electroenecephalograms)
I joined ALBA because :
I believe in the idea of promoting diversity in the research field and provide equal opportunities and I would be happy to contribute more actively.


Graduate student at NIH, Brown University
United States Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Circuit neuroscience
Computational neuroscience and modeling
Sensory systems neuroscience
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Data analysis and statistics
Electrophysiology (unit activity)
Histochemistry and tracing
Imaging (microscopy)
Optical methods
Species : vertebrate


Graduate student at University of Minho
Portugal Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Cognitive neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Neuroscience of aging
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Cell culture
Data analysis and statistics
Genetic models and techniques
Imaging (microscopy)
Molecular approaches
Species : vertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
Science progresses when questions are answered. Questions are made when one tries to understand something. To fully understand a topic, one must see the bigger picture or look at it from different angles. Here is where diversity is key! Bringing people from different backgrounds together enables science to move forward.

Ivana Maria

Graduate student at Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Celular (IMBICE)
Argentina Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Neuropharmacology and neurochemistry
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Cell culture
Data analysis and statistics
Histochemistry and tracing
Imaging (microscopy)
In vivo monitoring
Optical methods
Species : vertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
I want to be part of the Alba Network community because I come from a country where scientific research is very underfunded and it is extremely difficult for young scientists to develop professionally. I would like to take advantage of the opportunities offered by Alba Network, not only to develop my career, but also to get in touch with neuroscientists from other parts of the world and share experiences.

Gomez de salazar

Postdoctoral fellow at Aarhus university
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Cell culture
Electrophysiology (channels)
Histochemistry and tracing
Imaging (microscopy)
Molecular approaches
I joined ALBA because :
I would like to learn more about how to do leadership in an inclusive manner

Gabriela Berenice
Gomez Gonzalez

Postdoctoral fellow at Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi
Italy Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Circuit neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Motor systems neuroscience
Cell and tissue transplantation
Data analysis and statistics
Histochemistry and tracing
Imaging (microscopy)
Optical methods
I joined ALBA because :
Because as part of underrepresented group in Science, (latin american woman) that works abroad, I consider crucial to give voice to us. Unfortunately, our realty is diverse, therefore the union is the only way to move forward. And to build a more conscious society.

Gomez Sotres

Postdoctoral fellow at INSERM
France Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Sensory systems neuroscience
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
In vivo monitoring
Molecular approaches
Optical methods
Species : vertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
As a woman that doesn't live in her native country, I have faced and witnessed several acts of discrimination in my surroundings and I would love to get together to present solutions to those.

Gonzalez Rodriguez

Professor or equivalent position at University of Seville
Spain Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Excitable membranes and ion channels
Motor systems neuroscience
Neurogeneration and repair
Neuroscience of aging
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Electrophysiology (channels)
Histochemistry and tracing
Imaging (microscopy)
Molecular approaches
Optical methods
I joined ALBA because :
I am here to express my interest in joining Alba Network community as a young women neuroscientist (junior PI and group leader in Sevilla, Spain). As someone who is passionate about advancing our understanding of the brain, I believe that Alba Network offers a unique opportunity to learn and grow as a scientist.

I am excited to contribute to the community and collaborate with other members on cutting-edge research in the field. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the opportunity to be a part of this great network.

Gonzalez-Dopeso Reyes

Research/Staff scientist at CNRS
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Developmental neuroscience
Neurogeneration and repair
Gene therapy
Cell and tissue transplantation
Cell culture
Genetic models and techniques
Histochemistry and tracing
Imaging (microscopy)
Species : vertebrate
Stereotaxic injections
I joined ALBA because :
I have been working in the field of neuroscience for the last 23 years. I have a physical disability since I had a car accident when I was 12, and I have been every lab I have been working the first and only disable person for long time. I would like to use my experience to help others and to improve the working condition and also the perception of the disable people working in science.


Department head at Stanford University
United States Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Excitable membranes and ion channels
Sensory systems neuroscience
Computation, modeling, and simulation
Electrophysiology (channels)
Genetic models and techniques
Imaging (microscopy)
Species : invertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
This organization was brought to my attention and has overlapping goals with others that I have been engaged with for some time.


Postdoctoral fellow at University of Cambridge
United Kingdom Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Cell culture
Genetic models and techniques
Imaging (microscopy)
Molecular approaches
Therapeutic techniques
I joined ALBA because :
Because as mid-career scientist and a woman, I feel represented and recognised. I am eager to join a network that promotes diversity and equality in science and offers the opportunity of mentoring.


Professor or equivalent position at Paris-Saclay Institut of neuroscience
France Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Cognitive neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Neuropharmacology and neurochemistry
Analysis of behavior and cognition in humans
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Histochemistry and tracing
Imaging (PET, fMRI, etc)
I joined ALBA because :
I feel very much in tune with the goals ALBA intend to achieve, particularly the networking aspect that could promote collaborative science, mentoring, data access, be informed of putative collaborators who share common view of science and good practice, and how it should be conducted, to avoid or decrease the impact of powerful lobbies.


CEO at convelop cooperative knowledge design gmbh
Austria Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Biomedical Engineering, Sociology
Statistics, Social Network Analysis
I joined ALBA because :
I've contributed to EDI in neurosciences through my activities as external consultat for the human brain project and are looking foward to share the experiences and to contribute.

Grasmeder Allen

Graduate student at University of Nottingham
United Kingdom Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Cognitive neuroscience
Neuropharmacology and neurochemistry
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Data analysis and statistics
Imaging (microscopy)
In vivo monitoring
I joined ALBA because :
I want to live in a world where there are equal rights for all to succeed in neuroscience and unfortunately that is not the case at the moment. Alba are trying to increase diversity and equity within brain science, which I fully support and wish to be part of!


Research/Staff scientist at Università degli Studi di Milano
Italy Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Neurogeneration and repair
Neuropharmacology and neurochemistry
Cell culture
Data analysis and statistics
Imaging (microscopy)
Molecular approaches