
The Network

ALBA represents a global diverse network of individual neuroscientists who are involved in research, education, communication and advocacy, and are committed to supporting and advocating for actions and policies that foster diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in brain sciences across the globe. We currently have 1890 individual members from 91 countries.

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  • Receive regular updates on ALBA activities and events
  • Have access to DEI skills and advocacy training workshops
  • Engage with the ALBA Team at the General Assembly
  • Elect the members of our Board of Directors

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Research/Staff scientist at King's College London
United Kingdom Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Developmental neuroscience
Neural/synaptic structure and function
Cell culture
Data analysis and statistics
Genetic models and techniques
Imaging (microscopy)
Molecular approaches
Species : vertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
I support the Alba mission to improve diversity and inclusion in science.

Ragnhild Irene

Postdoctoral fellow at Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Norway Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Circuit neuroscience
Sensory systems neuroscience
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Electrophysiology (unit activity)
Histochemistry and tracing
Imaging (microscopy)
In vivo monitoring
Species : invertebrate
Species : vertebrate


Professor or equivalent position at Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
India Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Cell culture
Computation, modeling, and simulation
I joined ALBA because :
To expand the network in Neurscience

Ana Marija

Lab/Research director at EPFL
Switzerland Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Evolutionary and comparative neuroscience
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Data analysis and statistics
Genetic models and techniques
Imaging (PET, fMRI, etc)
Molecular approaches
Species : invertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
As a person but also an evolutionary biologist I am deeply convinced that diversity is one of the most important ingredients for unbounded growth and evolution. I believe that providing unbiased access and opportunities in neuroscience to people of diverse personal backgrounds is not only morally the right thing to do but it is also extremely beneficial for the creativity and progress of the whole field.


Professor or equivalent position at Monash University
Australia Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Cognitive neuroscience
Analysis of behavior and cognition in humans
Imaging (PET, fMRI, etc)


Postdoctoral fellow at University of Edinburgh
United Kingdom Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Cell culture
Imaging (microscopy)
I joined ALBA because :
Am keen to be involved with initiatives that encourage inclusivity in Neuroscience.


Other at Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Austria Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
I joined ALBA because :
I am the Good Practice Officer at IST Austria. One of my main responsibilities is Diversity & Inclusion.
If possible, I would like to the be the main contact person at IST Austria for Alba. This was the request of our President Tom Henzinger as well.


Professor or equivalent position at University of Kentucky
United States Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Circuit neuroscience
Electrophysiology (unit activity)
Histochemistry and tracing
Imaging (microscopy)
In vivo monitoring
Optical methods
Species : vertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
I want to actively contribute to increasing diversity and equity.


Postdoctoral fellow at University of Bern
Switzerland Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Histochemistry and tracing
Imaging (microscopy)
Molecular approaches


Research/Staff scientist at The National University Hospital of Iceland (Landspítalinn)
Iceland Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Motor systems neuroscience
Neural/synaptic structure and function
Neuroengineering and robotics
Neurogeneration and repair

Cecilia Gisele

Professor or equivalent position at Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
Argentina Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Computational neuroscience and modeling
Computation, modeling, and simulation
Data analysis and statistics
I joined ALBA because :
First of all, because I am very grateful for been selected to benefit from an ALBA-FKNE-YIBRO grant to access the FENS 2020 Virtual Forum. And I think it could be important for my career been part of this network because I am from Argentina, where we have a low budget for research and these kinds of grants and visibility are very important issues.


Postdoctoral fellow at CNRS
France Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Cell culture
Data analysis and statistics
Genetic models and techniques
Imaging (microscopy)
Molecular approaches
Optical methods
Species : vertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
I am a member of Neurocampus Parity comitee in Bordeaux. I work on increasing gender equity in research. I want to do more


Postdoctoral fellow at University Medical Center Leipzig & Max Planck Institute for Cognitive and Brain Sciences
Germany Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Cognitive neuroscience
Neuroscience of aging
Analysis of behavior and cognition in humans
Computation, modeling, and simulation
Data analysis and statistics
Imaging (PET, fMRI, etc)
I joined ALBA because :
Integration of research practices which increase diversity in neuroscience


Postdoctoral fellow at UCL
United Kingdom Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Cognitive neuroscience
Neuroscience of aging
Sensory systems neuroscience
Analysis of behavior and cognition in humans
Data analysis and statistics
Imaging (PET, fMRI, etc)
I joined ALBA because :
I am particularly interested in increasing diversity and inclusion in dementia research

Jiménez Herrera

Graduate student at Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Spain Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Circuit neuroscience
Cognitive neuroscience
Excitable membranes and ion channels
Neuropharmacology and neurochemistry
Neuroscience of aging
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Data analysis and statistics
Electrophysiology (channels)
Electrophysiology (synaptic physiology)
Genetic models and techniques
Histochemistry and tracing
Imaging (microscopy)
In vivo monitoring
Species : vertebrate
Therapeutic techniques
I joined ALBA because :
Joining the Alba Network opens the door to a world where neuroscience meets different fields of knowledge. The diversity of perspectives and approaches will provide me with a unique opportunity. Give me the chance to immerse myself in an environment where experts from different disciplines come together to collaborate, share ideas and discoveries.


Lab/Research director at University of Castilla La-Mancha
Spain Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Excitable membranes and ion channels
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Computation, modeling, and simulation
Electrophysiology (channels)
Electrophysiology (synaptic physiology)
Imaging (microscopy)
Molecular approaches
Species : vertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
I think this is a neccesary as well as inspiring network