
The Network

ALBA represents a global diverse network of individual neuroscientists who are involved in research, education, communication and advocacy, and are committed to supporting and advocating for actions and policies that foster diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in brain sciences across the globe. We currently have 1890 individual members from 91 countries.

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  • Help shape ALBA's priorities and goals
  • Drive initiatives as an ALBA Volunteer
  • Receive regular updates on ALBA activities and events
  • Have access to DEI skills and advocacy training workshops
  • Engage with the ALBA Team at the General Assembly
  • Elect the members of our Board of Directors

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conference, a mentor for guidance, an expert for a new project or to simply network.



Department head at University of Africa, Toru-Orua (UAT)
Nigeria Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Neuropharmacology and neurochemistry
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
I joined ALBA because :
I was motivated at the just concluded FENS forum to be an active part of the neuroscience community and would love to be part of a network where I can share my research, contribute to neuroscience and also learn from it. i would also love to collaborate with other networkers both within the ALBA community and outside of it.


CEO at Advance Educational Institute & Research Centre
Pakistan Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Cognitive neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Neuroscience of aging
Analysis of behavior and cognition in humans
Electrophysiology (channels)
Electrophysiology (unit activity)
Therapeutic techniques
I joined ALBA because :
I am eager to join the ALBA Network due to its commitment to promoting equity and diversity in brain sciences. The network's goals, including countering bias, recognizing contributions to science and diversity, and providing opportunities for underrepresented groups, resonate with my values. I see the network's actions, such as establishing best practices, curating resources, hosting events, and creating awards, as crucial steps toward fostering inclusivity. The emphasis on mentoring, building a scientist database, and advocacy aligns with my belief in collaborative efforts for positive change. Joining the ALBA Network, I aim to actively contribute to its mission and leverage my skills to support its goals.


Lab/Research director at CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology
India Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Neuropharmacology and neurochemistry
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Cell culture
Histochemistry and tracing
Imaging (microscopy)
Molecular approaches
Species : vertebrate
Therapeutic techniques
I joined ALBA because :
To get connected with other like minded people in neurosciences


Lab/Research director at Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Italy Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Neuroscience of aging
Neuropharmacology and neurochemistry
Neuroendocrinology of Stress, Mental Health
Analysis of behavior and cognition in humans
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Therapeutic techniques
I joined ALBA because :
I am a member of the Steering Committee as I strongly believe that supporting women in Brain Sciences can help the overall advancement of neuroscience and build the foundation of a more diverse and equal society.


Lab/Research director at The Australian National University, JCSMR
Australia Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Developmental neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Electrophysiology (synaptic physiology)
Histochemistry and tracing
Imaging (microscopy)
Molecular approaches
Species : vertebrate
Therapeutic techniques
I joined ALBA because :
To be part of a dynamic network and to be more visible internationally.

Di Luca

Lab/Research director at University of Milano
Italy Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Neurogeneration and repair
Cell culture
Genetic models and techniques
Imaging (microscopy)
Molecular approaches
Species : vertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
The challenge posed by a complete understanding of the brain and its disorders is huge: we need all talents, all possible resources available, we need to be inclusive to move forward and to face this challenge.


Lab/Research director at University of Cambridge
United Kingdom Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Circuit neuroscience
Developmental neuroscience
Excitable membranes and ion channels
History, teaching, public awareness, and societal
Motor systems neuroscience
Neural/synaptic structure and function
Sensory systems neuroscience
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Electrophysiology (synaptic physiology)
Electrophysiology (unit activity)
Histochemistry and tracing
Imaging (microscopy)
In vivo monitoring
Optical methods
Species : vertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
I have recently realized (by analysing the shocking ERC_Advanced Grants data) that my I was way off in believing that we had pretty much solved the issues of women in neuroscience. I have been naive and biased by my own good experiences in terms of both mentoring and representation. I would like to do something to help change the situation.


Department head at Stanford University
United States Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Excitable membranes and ion channels
Sensory systems neuroscience
Computation, modeling, and simulation
Electrophysiology (channels)
Genetic models and techniques
Imaging (microscopy)
Species : invertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
This organization was brought to my attention and has overlapping goals with others that I have been engaged with for some time.


CEO at convelop cooperative knowledge design gmbh
Austria Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Biomedical Engineering, Sociology
Statistics, Social Network Analysis
I joined ALBA because :
I've contributed to EDI in neurosciences through my activities as external consultat for the human brain project and are looking foward to share the experiences and to contribute.


Lab/Research director at King's College London
United Kingdom Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Circuit neuroscience
Developmental neuroscience
Excitable membranes and ion channels
History, teaching, public awareness, and societal
Neural/synaptic structure and function
Neurogeneration and repair
Sensory systems neuroscience
Cell culture
Data analysis and statistics
Electrophysiology (synaptic physiology)
Electrophysiology (unit activity)
Genetic models and techniques
Histochemistry and tracing
Imaging (microscopy)
In vivo monitoring
Molecular approaches
Optical methods
Species : vertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
Because we all need to work harder to make neuroscience more equitable and diverse


CEO at BrainsCAN
Canada Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :


Department head at University of California, Irvine
United States Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Disorders of the nervous system
Neurogeneration and repair
Clinical trials, biomarkers
I joined ALBA because :
As a woman neurologist/researcher in a leadership role I would like to promote advancement of those underrepresented in clinical neuroscience.


Lab/Research director at Uppsala University
Sweden Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Cognitive neuroscience
Clinical psychology
Analysis of behavior and cognition in humans
Therapeutic techniques
I joined ALBA because :
towards equality and diversity in sciences


Department head at University of Maryland School of Medicine
United States Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :
Circuit neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Excitable membranes and ion channels
Motor systems neuroscience
Neural/synaptic structure and function
Sensory systems neuroscience
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Data analysis and statistics
Electrophysiology (channels)
Electrophysiology (slow waves)
Electrophysiology (synaptic physiology)
Electrophysiology (unit activity)
Histochemistry and tracing
In vivo monitoring
Optical methods
Species : vertebrate
I joined ALBA because :
support Alba's mission


Department head at Albert Einstein College of Medicine
United States Website
Gender : Man
Fields of research :

Jee Hyun

Lab/Research director at Deakin University
Australia Website
Gender : Woman
Fields of research :
Behavioral neuroscience
Circuit neuroscience
Cognitive neuroscience
Developmental neuroscience
Disorders of the nervous system
Neuropharmacology and neurochemistry
Neuroscience of aging
Analysis of behavior and cognition in humans
Analysis of behavior and cognition in non-human animal
Genetic models and techniques
Histochemistry and tracing
Imaging (microscopy)
Imaging (PET, fMRI, etc)
In vivo monitoring
Therapeutic techniques
I joined ALBA because :
I see inequality in academia. As someone experiencing glass, bamboo, and reverse-silver ceiling, I would love to make a positive change.